Note: Author ordering on all papers is alphabetical if not specified, as is convention in OR/MS. (C) and (J) denote preliminary conference version and the full journal version, respectively.
Accepted Papers
- Optimizing Two-Truck Platooning with Deadlines w/ Wenjie Xu* and Minghua Chen (*: co-primary authors).[Direct Link]
- (J) Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022.
Working Papers
- Pricing Strategies for Online Dating Platforms w/ Michael L. Hamilton. [Slides]
- (J) Major Revision in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
- Finalist, POMS College of Service Operations Management (CSOM) Best Student Paper, 2024.
- Feature-Based Market Segmentation and Pricing w/ Michael L. Hamilton. [Slides][Codes]
- (J) Major Revision in Operations Research.
- (C) Accepted in The 18th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 2022.
- Third Place, INFORMS Service Science Best Cluster Paper Award, 2022.
- The Effects of Competition on Corporate Sustainability w/ Esther Gal-Or, Mike Gordon, Michael L. Hamilton, and Jennifer Shang. [Codes]
- (J) Submitted
- (C) Accepted in The 3rd ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO), 2023.
From Stream to Pool: Dynamic Pricing for Customers with Diminishing Marginal Utility w/ Su Jia and Thomas Lavastida.
- Rating Systems Design: Structure, Incentives, and Fees w/ Michael L. Hamilton. [Slides] [Codes]
Work in Progress
Pricing for Two-sided Dating Platforms w/ Michael L. Hamilton and Qiqi Hao.
Constant Capacity Multicommodity Fixed-Charge Network Design w/ Prakash Mirchandani.